sábado, 1 de marzo de 2014

The importance of His Imperial Majesty The Emperor of Japan in the XXI Century.

The importance of His Imperial Majesty 
The Emperor of Japan in the XXI Century.

Author: Tomás Vera Ziccardi.

Throughout history the world has seen the rise and fall of an innumerable quantity of monarchs. Most of them represented their people and nations while others thought they had a divine mandate to achieve on earth. Monarchy seems to be a feature of a vast quantity of civilizations. From East to West, monarchs emerged continuosly through history, comanding nations, empires, kingdoms and even republics. For some modern nations, monarchy is just a vague memory while for others it keeps on being a core issue.

Vast literature has been written regarding European monarchs. Figures such as Charles V, Louis XIV or Elizabeth II are worldwide known as representatives of European monarchy. However, the eurocentric approach left away members of royalty from other continents such as Africa and Asia. As for this last mentioned continent, Japan has always been a central nation. The 'land of the rising sun' has passed through a variety of historical processes over the last 2000 years, in spite of all, monarchy remains as a cornerstone for Japanese people. Why is the Emperor of Japan so important? The oldest monarchy in the world is represented by the Chrysantemum Throne, actually held by His Imperial Majesty Emperor Akihito. The 125th ruler of Japan is a popular figure even outside Japan, making many people wonder about how the Japanese monarchy managed to maintain so long over time. Rather than focusing in the past, it is important to look at the present and try to understand the reasons why the Emperor has a relevant role for Japan and its society.

Japan is known for its homogeneous society. More than 97% of its population is composed by ethnically Japanese people. The sense of belonging is very strong among Japanese, they feel part of the same society, they respect their history, love the sacred land where their antecesors lived for centuries and look forward to maintain most of the costumes that represent Japanese culture. As it might be understood, Japan is a nation with strong symbolisms. One of them is the Emperor. Not in a material sense, rather in one of unity among the Japanese. Most citizens feel represented by the Emperor, the uninterrupted line us succession proves that as the Japanese people, the Emperor has always been there. As previously mentioned, costumes have a considerable value in Japan, the Imperial Throne is known by every Japanese, their antecesors lived under the rule (factual or tacit) of it. The Emperor is a symbol of unity, he represents Japanese people worlwide. 

His Imperial Majesty Emperor Akihito.

Japan is one, united. United by His Majesty The Emperor.

In a nation where respect towards elder people and social hierarchy are indisputable values, His Majesty The Emperor symbolizes those concepts. The Emperor is experience, knowledge and more specifically respect. Despite major changes throughout the past centuries, Japanese people have kept their respect towards the Emperor, not only because if his position, specially for the value of respect itself. Since the Edo Period, Japan has gone through drastic changes, however the Imperial House always prevailed. This is another characteristic of Japanese society, prevalence. No matter how hard things might look like, Japan will keep on moving forward, maintaining its costumes and keeping its Emperor. 
His Majesty The Emperor of Japan represents impartiality, non political inclination and is positioned in the centre, where justice remains. There is always a place where people need to position themselves, the same happens with nations. Some locate themselves on a confrontative side, others on a non-participating one, but Japan is in the centre, where impartialy and justice remain. The Emperor represents these values, making society understand that the road of justice is the best one to follow. 

Most of the concepts and values previously mentioned, such as respect, impartiality, unity and the rule of law seem to be distant ones for the rest of world, where division, struggle for power, disobedience and injustice prevail. Nowadays some principles look old fashioned for most of the nations in the international system. The XXI Century works under other precepts. However, Japan follows a different way. The one of rightness and respect, and the only way to keep the line is by living life with respect and fairness. All those positive ideals and behaviors are represented by His Majesty The Emperor. This explains why the Emperor is so important, because he represents the most intrinsict values of Japanese society, those which in case of being lost would make Japan a different nation from what is has been for more than 2000 years. Discipline and behavior are key factors in order to improve as a nation, it allows people to understand that the right side is the one of justice. Japan is one, Japan is unity. Emperor Akihito represents that unity, the one of a nation that has overpassed difficult situations, always looking forward towards progress.

Japan is a peaceful nation that over the past decades has strengthened its compromise for world peace and stabilty. His Imperial Majesty Emperor Akihito is the symbol of that commitment, he represents the new and peaceful Japan. His Era is knows for that one of stability and peace; in the XXI Century, where so many international conflicts take place, Japan appears as a nation compromised with peace, a bastion of respect and tranquility. 
It becomes difficult to make any type of analysis regarding His Imperial Majesty The Emperor of Japan. At the same time, giving a final veredict that is able to resume such an important institution like the Japanese Monarchy becomes almost impossible. However, everyone must agree that Japan is a nation with a rich history and an unique culture. Understanding the importance of the Emperor is a way to evidence the most important aspects of Japanese history, society and culture. The Emperor is respect, righteousness, fairness, justness, impartiality, unity, justice, progress, peace, stability, tradition and behavior. All of them represent the most intrinsic features of Japanese society, and so it shall remain, because no matter what the future brings the Emperor will always be there guiding Japan through the right path, that one of peace and justice.

                                                                 Tomás Vera Ziccardi.

* This work is physical and intellectual property of Mr. Tomás Vera Ziccardi. The rights of this work are reserved to TVZC® by express request of the Author.

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